How to Massage Using the Heel of the Hand
When you massage using the heel of the hand you give the client a different experience than when massaging with the fingers. The heel of the hand presses a narrower width of the muscle at one time, allowing the muscle to release its little knots and kinks from a deeper level. Here's how to protect the therapist's hands and relieve a lot of tension in the back.
Things You'll Need:
Massage oil
Warm your massage oil by placing a small container of it in a bowl of hot water.
Stand on either side of the body because you can massage both sides at one time.
Apply a light layer of massage oil to the back.
Press the heels of the hands in on the lower back muscles on either side of the spine but not on the spine itself.
Work the heels of the hands in circles, slowly cycling toward the side of the body, then back toward the spine. Cycle up the back a few inches and repeat until you have covered the entire back, staying on the muscles, not the bones.
Start again at the lower spine and knead all the back muscles in larger circles with the heels of the hands. Focus more on the meaty muscles and avoid going over the spine.
Finish with long, flowing strokes over the entire back.
Tips & Warnings
You can use any quality oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil, for your massage oil.
Massaging with the heel of the hand also helps relieve pressure and fatigue to the therapist's fingers and thumbs.
When you massage using the heel of the hand you give the client a different experience than when massaging with the fingers. The heel of the hand presses a narrower width of the muscle at one time, allowing the muscle to release its little knots and kinks from a deeper level. Here's how to protect the therapist's hands and relieve a lot of tension in the back.
Things You'll Need:
Massage oil
Warm your massage oil by placing a small container of it in a bowl of hot water.
Stand on either side of the body because you can massage both sides at one time.
Apply a light layer of massage oil to the back.
Press the heels of the hands in on the lower back muscles on either side of the spine but not on the spine itself.
Work the heels of the hands in circles, slowly cycling toward the side of the body, then back toward the spine. Cycle up the back a few inches and repeat until you have covered the entire back, staying on the muscles, not the bones.
Start again at the lower spine and knead all the back muscles in larger circles with the heels of the hands. Focus more on the meaty muscles and avoid going over the spine.
Finish with long, flowing strokes over the entire back.
Tips & Warnings
You can use any quality oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil, for your massage oil.
Massaging with the heel of the hand also helps relieve pressure and fatigue to the therapist's fingers and thumbs.